Why is it so good for the skin?

your skin and provide a refreshing alternative to over-the-counter facial
products." - NPR story
It is also loaded with vitamin E, and has the highest protein content out of all fruits. We all know She-Hulk loves protein for her bulging muskels. In fact, I believe if I were a fruit, I would be the ahuacate: tough muskely exterior, but on the inside smooth and full of delicious nutrients, oils.
Follow the quote's NPR link to find some interesting ahuacate recipes at the end of the article.
If you don't like to eat avocados but what the skin benefits you could mash half an avocado up, spread it on your clean face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and voila! Refreshed, plump skin. OR, you can wipe the inside of the avocado peel on your clean face using gentle upward strokes for an instant moisturizer. Leave it on all night or rinse off in 15 min with warm water.
And if you do a little web research, you'll find that it can help with puffy eyes, dry hands, and dull hair. I know the fancy shampoo I use has avocado as an ingredient.
I ran out of avocados to put in my sandwich today, but I still wanted something fancy, so I spent a little more time than usual on my packed lunch and this was the result:
Ham sandwich with sauteed portabello mushrooms and spinach, sliced tomatos on garlic and parmesean bread. First time making one, and it was great! Please click on the photo to see how much better the food looks close up.
Fruit: Cut pineapple and dried figs
For extra protein to snack on: Almonds
For my carb cravings: Kashi TLC crackers
Healthy and yet still delicious.
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