I graduated! I've been so busy studying for finals and cleaning my apartment for graduation guests that I haven't had a couple minutes to sit down and write.
Graduation was so much fun. It was the best time I've had at a graduation out of the 4 ceremonies I've been in (jr. high, high school, undergrad, and now law school). I felt like this was the most important since it was likely the last time most of us would graduate from school, and we had all gone through a difficult but fun period together before becoming working adults. My family was there including my brother and sister, and several extended family members came. And it was really nice to have boyfriend and best friend in attendance. I heard everyone give me a nice big cheer when my name was called to be hooded. The school had a reception for everyone, and there was so much food, no one wanted to go to lunch after. Dinner was at Dragonfly in Sacramento and just about everyone was happy with their food and the wine, Seghesio Zinfandel 2005, was nice. My dad loved it since it was perfect with his ribeye steak.
After dinner, we were pretty tired but I knew some 3Ls were going out to Pasta? and I had told all the young people in my party to come along. It was the first time my sis, bro, and I partied together and I must say it was one of the best partying experiences I've had. Everyone got along really well: bro, sis, best friend, super roomie, and I had plenty to drink and everyone danced. My bro even tried to hook up my best friend with this really nice med student K. I think Beluved figured out what was going on because I'd be dancing and then she'd come over and shout at me, "I think your brother is trying to get me ass!" K was pretty smart because he would dance with me and impress me with his moves, then ask me if Beluved was taken. Of course she is taken, but it was funny nonetheless. We were all there til the lights came on, and then we went to IHOP to sober up. Good times.
Tomorrow is the first day of bar prep which is going to be so tedious, but I must do it to conquer the bar exam.
I realize I've been blogging about dance and ballet a lot, but I've been keeping up the weightlifting also. Some highlights:
Benchpress: 80 lbs for 6 reps. I think I can do 85 lbs for a couple reps too, but I need a spot for that. I'll tell you how it goes in a couple days. Now that I have a workout partner for the next week, I can max out, and maybe figure out what my new one-rep max is.
Lat pulldowns: 80 lbs for 6 reps. This is pretty hard and I can't pull for a full range of motion yet, but getting there.
Pullups: 6 pullups overhand grip. After I did 6 and rested for maybe 1 min, I could only do 3 more. They take a lot out of you.
Lunges: 20 reps with 25 lb dumbbells.
Just cuz I think these kids are cute:

The two little ones are my professor's kids, A and M. A loves brie and she tried to steal a piece I was cutting off, but I was too fast for her. She loves to watch Grey's Anatomy for the gory parts and her favorite character is Christine. Future doctor? Perhaps. M is over 1 year old and he gets bossed around by his older sister a lot. The cutie in the middle is their favorite law student.