Saturday, May 26, 2007

Chocolate Therapy

Bar classes are sort of a drag because they're 4 hours a day. They give us two 10 minute breaks, but it's still a long information cram session. It's the first weekend after bar classes started, but I have lots of homework. We're only doing torts right now and I'm already scared of not passing the bar because I'm only getting 50% of the practice questions right. We're supposed to aim for 70% to pass. The questions are tricky and I really do feel like the examiners are trying to lay sneaky traps on us and they're clever, unlike the simple tricks on the SATs. I did practice multiple choice questions today and outlined 2 essays like we were assigned and about 5-6 hours later, I was so drained that I had to call someone after not having human contact for half a day. Luckily, I was able to get a hold of Kitty de Medici who placated my fears and talked to me about fun non-Bar or law school related things.

I couldn't do anymore studying. What to do? Make a new dessert!

Chocolate Mousse with Crystallized Ginger. Mmmmm It was so easy too except for when I tried to squeeze cream out of the carton and it splattered all over me and the counter. Only 3 ingredients for this mousse: semi-sweet chocolate chips chopped up with food processor, chopped up crystallized ginger, and heavy cream. I had a small taste of the end product because I had been licking the beaters and spatulas throughout the process- can't let all the good stuff go to waste! Homemade mousse is delicious. I think it's as good as what I can buy at The Nugget.

Other than cooking and working out, my other escape from bar review has been, unfortunately, online shopping. It's Memorial Day weekend so the big sales are starting and when I'm stressed, I can't help but browse and if I'm really vulnerable from studying, I click the "place order" button. This week I already bought items from Victoria's Secret and Urban Outfitters. MUST...STOP...BUYING!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it's not a lot of fun. Fortunately, the weather in SD has been more overcast. If it was beach weather, I'd be spitting and cussing about how it's such a beautiful day and I have to waste it sequestered in my local McD's studying for the Bar.
