I love Hawaii.
My trip was also really productive because I knew I had to get work done before enjoying the island so I always managed to write 1-2 essays a day and review a topic. I went to the beach twice and it was super relaxing just soaking in the sun and reading books. I finished
English Passengers by Matthew Kneale finally after having it around for more than a month. I'm onto
The High Window, another Raymond Chandler book. Almost finished too after reading to cure my insomnia that last two nights.

The movie
The Brasher Doubloon (1947) was based on
The High Window. It makes sense that his books are made into movies since they feature cool characters in LA settings. I want to rent
The Big Sleep (1946) starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. That was my first Raymond Chandler book.
The only downside to the trip is that my sleeping schedule has been off and I missed coming into class Monday and Tuesday. (I can't go to bed until past 3 am!) But no big deal since the subject lectures are over and I did the essay simulation at home. I found out I really stink at PR essays but redeemed myself today after hunkering down to really go over all the rules and breaking down the subjects under each Duty.
The Performance Essays worry me because there is always so much to do. I feel like I have to figure out the format of the essay as I'm reading the sources to fit it into my outline because there isn't time to go back and look at them when I'm writing. Augh. Tomorrow, I'm simulating one so I can compare answers with Island Girl to get an idea of how a grader would look at it. I think it will be helpful.
Subjects I'm done studying for the most part:
1. Community Property
2. Wills
3. Trusts
4. Conlaw
5. Contracts
6. Crimes
Need to refine:
1. PR
2. Torts
3. Corporations and Agency
4. Remedies.
Really need to go over:
1. Evidence
2. Civ Pro
3. Real Property
I'll have to start doing MBEs again because I neglected them my entire trip and I'm only getting 72% of the mixed questions right.

Yes, I bought another pair of shoes, but these are very practical since I haven't bought new tennis shoes in a couple of years and even though I put superfeet insoles in them, I can tell my feet are hurting more than usual after a hard running workout. I finally got a proper fitting where the shoe guy watches me walk and run. I run on my toes which I knew, but I didn't know it was bad until he said that it'll make my shins hurt and that it's bad for my knees. Makes sense because my knees do hurt after running too much. I tried to run by putting my entire feet on the ground instead of my toes first and it was really hard and tiring. These shoes are stability shoes meaning that they'll correct my tendency to overpronate, but I still need to figure out how to run correctly.